Latest React Themes

The latest React themes, templates and starters sorted by submission date.

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React Native Select Pro screenshot

React Native dropdown (select) component developed by Mobile Reality

React Packages screenshot

Meteor packages for a great React developer experience

Testing Library Docs screenshot

docs site for @testing-library/*

Website screenshot

:electron: The Electron website

Website screenshot

一隻全中文的機器人,並結合了音樂系統、RPG、動態語音頻道、跨群聊天等功能,讓 Discord 不再只是聊天軟體

Nextjs Woocommerce screenshot

🔥 Next.js (React) headless eCommerce site with Typescript, WordPress (WooCommerce) backend and Algolia search

Shiftwalk Nextjs Starter screenshot

A simple Next.js starter kit with TailwindCSS (JIT) and Framer Motion preconfigured. Optional feature branches for Locomotive Scroll, Sanity and Dato configuration coming soon...

SaaSBold - Nextjs Boilerplate screenshot

SaaSBold is a full-stack boilerplate built with Nextjs, Tailwind, Postgres & Prisma.

Shadcn Charts screenshot

Shadcn UI official chart library built with Recharts. Copy / Paste component library.

Makerkit screenshot

A high quality fullstack boilerplate. Nextjs, Supabase, Tailwind+. Auth, Multi-Tenancy, Stripe, Blogging, Docs and Marketing pages.

Clerk Nextjs Demo App Router screenshot

Auth starts here with the official Next.js starter utilizing the app directory

Mui Image screenshot

⚛ React component to display images as per the Material Design guidelines. For apps using Material-UI v5.

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