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🔷 My lovely portfolio built with React, NextJS, and TailwindCSS

C Shopping screenshot

A beautiful shopping platform developed with Next.js, tailored for various devices including Desktop, Tablet, and Phone. 基于Nextjs开发同时适配Desktop、Tablet、Phone多种设备的精美购物平台

Carrot Market screenshot

Serverless Carrot Market Clone using NextJS, Tailwind, Prisma, PlanetScale and Cloudflare screenshot

Personal Portfolio built with NextJS, TailwindCSS, and MDX

Devfolio screenshot

👨‍🎓 An eye-catching developer Portfolio, Built on NextJS, GSAP, Tailwind and React

Discover Coffee Stores screenshot

This app allows you to discover coffee stores, check out the course on how to build this

Fabric Video Editor screenshot

A simple video editor made with nextjs, react, tailwindcss, mobx, typescript and fabric.js

Folio screenshot

Make your personal website and blog with Nextjs 14, tailwind and Notion.

Gh Next screenshot

A minimal Github clone built on nextjs app router.

Heroku Nextjs screenshot

⏩ Deploy Next.js universal web apps to Heroku

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Ad-free Kdrama streaming app. Built with Nextjs, Drizzle ORM, NeonDB and shadcn-UI

Kinde Auth Nextjs screenshot

Kinde NextJS SDK - authentication for server rendered apps

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