Latest React Themes

The latest React themes, templates and starters sorted by submission date.

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Materio Dashboard Nextjs screenshot

Materio MUI Next.JS Admin Template provides 6 unique layouts: Default, Bordered, Semi-Dark & Dark.

Sneat Dashboard Nextjs screenshot

Sneat MUI React Next.JS Admin Template provides 6 unique layouts: Default, Bordered, Semi-Dark & Dark.

Theme Selection Bundle - 20+ Premium Products screenshot

18+ Admin Templates & 3 UI Kits (Design Files) with 30+ Stunning Dashboard layouts, 200+ Elegant Pages, 300+ Reusable components / UI Elements, 500+ Useful Widgets, and plenty more, at huge 85% discount.

Mui Color Input screenshot

📌 A color input designed for MUI (Material ui) V5 built with TinyColor

Pyrodactyl screenshot

Pyrodactyl is the Pterodactyl-based game server panel that's faster, smaller, safer, and more accessible than Pelican.

React Declarative screenshot

A React form builder which interacts with a JSON endpoint to generate nested 12-column grids with input fields and automatic state management in a declarative style. Endpoint is typed by TypeScript guards (IntelliSense available). This tool is based on material-ui components, so your application ...

React Native Zoom Toolkit screenshot

Smoothly zoom any image, video or component you want!

Rn Starter screenshot

🦄 React Native Starter - Powered by cli-rn, React Navigation (v6), Expo Modules, RN UI lib, MMKV, Mobx, Reanimated 2, Dark Mode, Localization, Notifications, Permissions, and much more.

Vet Management System screenshot

This is an admin dashboard built for managing hospital/vet services

Base Ui screenshot

Base UI is an open-source library of accessible, unstyled UI components for React.

Chic Ui screenshot

Opinionated UI Component Library for React

Reablocks screenshot

🧩 Component Library for React based on Tailwind. Maintained by @goodcodeus.

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