Materio MUI Next.JS Admin Template provides 6 unique layouts: Default, Bordered, Semi-Dark & Dark.
Sneat MUI React Next.JS Admin Template provides 6 unique layouts: Default, Bordered, Semi-Dark & Dark.
18+ Admin Templates & 3 UI Kits (Design Files) with 30+ Stunning Dashboard layouts, 200+ Elegant Pages, 300+ Reusable components / UI Elements, 500+ Useful Widgets, and plenty more, at huge 85% discount.
Pyrodactyl is the Pterodactyl-based game server panel that's faster, smaller, safer, and more accessible than Pelican.
A React form builder which interacts with a JSON endpoint to generate nested 12-column grids with input fields and automatic state management in a declarative style. Endpoint is typed by TypeScript guards (IntelliSense available). This tool is based on material-ui components, so your application ...
🦄 React Native Starter - Powered by cli-rn, React Navigation (v6), Expo Modules, RN UI lib, MMKV, Mobx, Reanimated 2, Dark Mode, Localization, Notifications, Permissions, and much more.