React chakra-ui

default image

⚡️ Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React Applications

Ethereum Org Website screenshot is a primary online resource for the Ethereum community.

Ethereum Boilerplate screenshot

The ultimate NextJS Ethereum Dapp Boilerplate which gives you maximum flexibility and speed. Feel free to fork and contribute. Although this repo is called "Ethereum Boilerplate" it works with any EVM system and since it uses Moralis SDK You can even use it on Solana! Happy BUIDL!👷‍♂️

Photoshot screenshot

An open-source AI avatar generator web app -

Openchakra screenshot

⚡️ Full-featured visual editor and code generator for React using Chakra UI

Horizon Ui Chakra screenshot

Horizon UI JavaScript ⭐️ The trendiest & innovative Open Source Admin Template for Chakra UI & React!

Craftzdog Homepage screenshot

My homepage

React Print Pdf screenshot

Build and generate PDF using React 📄 UI kit for PDFs and print documents. Simple, reusable components and templates to create great invoices, docs, brochures. Use your favorite front-end framework React to build your next PDF.

Chakra Templates screenshot

A growing collection of responsive Chakra UI Templates ready to drop into your React project.

Catalog screenshot

The Magic Patterns Catalog is an open-source website that lists the most popular React component libraries, helping you find the perfect component.

Catalog screenshot

The Magic Patterns Catalog is an open-source website that lists the most popular React component libraries, helping you find the perfect component.

Saas Ui screenshot

The React component library for startups, built with Chakra UI.

Projects_realestate screenshot

Build and Deploy a Real Estate React & Next.js Application

Choc Ui screenshot

Prebuilt ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Chakra UI Higher Order Components

Langchain Ui screenshot

🧬 The open source chat-ai toolkit

Create Web3 Dapp screenshot

The complete toolbox to create web3 applications.

Nextarter Chakra screenshot

battery packed template / boilerplate to initialize Next.js app with Chakra UI & Typescript setup ✨

Chakra React Select screenshot

A Chakra UI themed wrapper for the popular library React Select

Hyperglass screenshot

hyperglass is the network looking glass that tries to make the internet better.

Purity Ui Dashboard screenshot

Purity UI Dashboard - Free and Open Source Chakra UI Dashboard

Website screenshot

Personal website build with Chakra UI, NextJS and Airtable ✨

Resuminator screenshot

Build beautiful single-page resumes; without the hassle! The easiest resume-builder out there with intuitive drag-n-drop & WYSIWYG editor

Chatgpt Ai Template screenshot

🧠 Horizon AI Template - Trendiest Open-source ChatGPT UI AI Template & Starter Kit for React, NextJS & Chakra UI

Choc Autocomplete screenshot

🏇 Autocomplete Component Package for Chakra UI

Horizon Ui Chakra Ts screenshot

Horizon UI TypeScript | The trendiest & innovative Open Source Admin Template for Chakra UI & React!

Chakra Ui Steps screenshot

Steps component designed to work seamlessly with Chakra UI

Startertab screenshot

A custom new tab page, keeping all the best info handy (a work in progress, feedback is invaluable)

Localpdfmerger screenshot

Merge PDFs, optimize PDFs, and extract Information like Images from PDF Files locally inside your Browser

React2025 screenshot

⚛️ Build applications from the the future, today.

Chakra Ui Autocomplete screenshot

An utility autocomplete UI library to use with Chakra UI

Chakra Ui Docs screenshot

Documentation website for chakra ui screenshot

A personal portfolio built using Next.js, Chakra UI, SEO, MDX, and TypeScript

Trello Clone screenshot

📝 Built with Nextjs framework with Typescript and Chakra UI library with support from MongoDB

React Ui Roundup screenshot

A one-stop-shop for comparing the features of all the best React frameworks. Useful for designers and engineers alike!

Basetool screenshot

Open-source internal tool framework. 💪 Empower your team and collaborators to view and manage the data you already own in a nice easy-to-use protected tool. Basetool helps you have a better handle on your data in a collaborative way so you can focus on moving your business forward.

Horizon Ui Chakra Nextjs screenshot

Horizon UI NextJS | The trendiest & innovative Open Source Admin Template for Chakra UI & React!

Loopple screenshot

Template Builder for Modern Websites & Dashboards

MyPortfolio screenshot

This is a portfolio application built by using Next.js, ChakraUi, Typescript and api.

Chakra Dayzed Datepicker screenshot

Chakra UI + Dayzed = datepicker screenshot

My Personal Dev Site, built with Next.js and Chakra UI screenshot

⚡ Dynamic Portfolio Website built with Next.js, Chakra UI and Contentful! screenshot

My website, made with NextJS and ChakraUI.

Tweet To Image screenshot

Convert tweets to beautiful images

Datepicker screenshot

A simple datepicker with Chakra-UI and date-fns

Discord Bot Dashboard Next screenshot

The Most Powerful Discord bot Dashboard Template

Easy Tailwind screenshot

An easier way of writing Tailwind classes. screenshot

⚠️ Now retired. My previous, poorly constructed digital garden built with Gatsby and MDX. Updated garden here:

Hypertheme Editor screenshot

Most advanced visual theme editor for Chakra-UI screenshot

⚡️ My personal website built with Next.js, Chakra UI, ContentLayer + MDX, and Vercel.

Node Blog screenshot

🔥✨ A react blog project base on nodejs, nestjs, mongoose, typescript, react, ant-design,nextjs screenshot

V1 of my personal site. If you're looking for v2:

Vnstat Client screenshot

GUI Client for vnStat Network Monitor for Linux or GNU/Linux screenshot

My personal website built with Next.js, Chakra UI, Firebase, and next-mdx-remeote. screenshot

My portfolio built with Next.js, Chakra UI and GraphCMS

Developer Community Stats screenshot

🚀 A repository to encourage beginners to contribute to open source and for all contributors to view their Github stats

Nextjs Chakra Ui Portfolio Template screenshot

Next.js & Chakra-UI portfolio template.

First Contribution screenshot

A repo where you can make your first contribution and get a contributors card in our website.

Onlysetups screenshot

OnlyFans, but for pictures of desk setups.

Reference Marketing Website screenshot

Next.js starter for creating a SaaS Marketing Website with Hygraph ⚡️

Reference Marketing Website screenshot

Next.js starter for creating a SaaS Marketing Website with Hygraph ⚡️

Next Prisma screenshot

🚀 Static site with Next.js 9.4 and Prisma. screenshot

A collection of kits to help bootstrap your next project.

Chatgpt Web screenshot

ChatGPT web application. ChatGPT 网页应用,支持多对话、海量提示词、PWA、ASR、TTS

RBB Website screenshot

Website to help connect black-owned businesses with consumers and resources