
Themes by sashenjayathilaka

Airbnb Build screenshot

Full Stack Airbnb Clone with Next.js 13 Tailwind-css, Prisma, MongoDB, NextAuth, Framer-motionSocial, Login (Google and Facebook), Image upload, Cloudinary CDN, Location selection, Map component, Country autocomplete, Fetching listings with server components

ChatGPT Clone screenshot

ChatGPT Clone with REACT! (Next.js 13, Firebase, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, API endpoints in Next.js, ChatGPT models, Dynamic page routing in Next.js 13, App folder structure, NextAuth.js, Google Authentication)

Reddit Clone screenshot

Reddit Clone with REACTJS (Next.js, Firebase v9, Chakra UI, TypeScript, Recoil, (Image Uploading, Google Authentication, Create Community, Join Community, Leave Community, Upvote and Downvote Posts), Dark Mode & Light Mode, Data Encryption and Decryption)